Evolution over the last 10 years for the main parameters of certified French garlic and shallot plant production.

Production structures

Distribution of garlic plant production surfaces (2019)

Carte de France avec la surface de production d'échalote par département
Source : SEMAE

Implanted surfaces has fluctuated annually between 470 and 560 ha with maximum of 560 ha in 2019.


The total number of farmers is constant: 95 in 2019. The area average by farmer is 5,9 ha. 


logo Agriculture BiologiqueThe organic surfaces increase: 8,4 ha in 2012 to 34 ha in 2019. It represents 6% of global surface.

Distribution of shallot plant production surfaces (2019)

Implanted surfaces has fluctuated annually between 152 and 162 ha with maximum of 162 ha in 2019.


The total number of farmers is constant: 32 in 2019. The area average by farmer is 5 ha. 


logo Agriculture BiologiqueThe organic surfaces increase: 1,8 ha in 2012 to 25,9 ha in 2019. It represents 16% of global surface.

Carte de France avec la surface de production d'échalote par département
Source : SEMAE

Top varieties


Varieties Acreage




Germidour 128 ha 10 364 Qx
Messidrome 101 ha 8 341 Qx
Messidor 99 ha 8 132 Qx
Flavor 31 ha 1 703 Qx
Therador 31 ha 3 023 Qx


Varieties Acreage




Longor 82 ha 13 059 Qx
Jermor 26 ha 4 443 Qx
Mikor 14 ha 2 285 Qx
Vigarmor 8 ha 1 483 Qx
Griselle 6 ha 385 Qx


Production evolution (hundredweight) from 1998 to 2019

Garlic Shallot Total