French Garlic Varieties (2022)

New garlic varieties available for amateur gardeners.

This leaflet presents the different characteristics of certified garlic plant varieties.

Certified garlic plants guarantee successful planting and good quality garlic at harvest. Certified plants are free of diseases, which promotes uniform growth and gives strong healthy plants. Good harvest, and garlic bulbs that are bigger and more uniform in shape.

Type : A5 brochure, in French

Publication date : December 2021


Garlic, a flavoursome plant that is easy to grow

This leaflet presents a few simple rules for successful garlic planting and suggests ways of using this versatile condiment. Guidelines on how to choose the right variety based on the geographical area of cultivation and shelf life. Advantages of certified plants, and planting techniques. A calendar is included showing planting and harvesting times based on garlic variety.

Type : A5 brochure, in French

Publication date : December 2021